Saturday 30 April 2011

Newspaper Front Cover Flat Plan

Newspaper Front Cover Template was created for the group to use for each individual's work
Newspaper Front Cover:

Flat plan of front cover
This was a way for the group to relate to something similar to the other local newspapers such as; Willesden an kilburn local newspaper.
As shown most local newspapers have a five row structure to the front cover, they also publish a number of advertisements. A main image ,headline sub headline and teaser are also shown put in to resemble the newspaper like the real product.

Newspaper Inside Basic layout
Like the front cover the inside page was also structured to resemble a real product  . This had helped us out putting our work and make it more easier by knowing where everything should be put.

Questionnaire & analysis

After researching into real media products, we had to find our focus group and what they would preferred.
Therefore we began to create a questionnaire to find out more information and details to be able to have a view of what needs to be included when making the newspaper.

The questionnaire was a opportunity to see what the market is like.
Giving people an option to put down there names was a way for people to feel under less pressure of any following questions, as some people might not be comfortable exposing there names. 

The second question was aiming at finding out what type audience reads newspapers and to find our target audience to be able to accurately base our newspaper to what they like. 
Question four is to find the class of people,  and see what types of newspapers they read , to ease who we going to base our newspaper at. 
Question nine was to find out the amount of people who would prefer online version an vice vera of the newspaper  and if there's a big demand for it.

Twenty people were questioned, and to make it fair, I questioned 10 females and 10 males. 
The first graph shows the results that the questioned people mostly were in their 40-59's.  
Most also agreed that they read newspapers, however eight out of the twenty said that do not buy any newspapers unlike the other twelve. A number of people in the result showed that they do not prefer the online version . This could be due to being less informed of the new technology or they might rather stick to the old fashioned way, the hard-copy Numerous people also said that they read local newspapers
I myself prefer to read the hard-copy, as I do not think the online version gives me the real taste of the news, i also rely better on the hard-copy as I have a feeling of knowing where everything is placed. 

Poster for my newspaper

This is my poster which will be advertised for the local newspaper. My aim was to create a simple but powerful poster, as you can see only a couple images have been used also I choose similar colours for the writing in the text box's to resemble with Logo which is put at the bottom of the poster, this was also a technique to familiarize the audience with the newspaper.

Friday 29 April 2011

Research & Planning (into real products & focus group)

During the research I had found several categories of newspapers.These were our aims to focus on ;


daily newspaper is issued every day, sometimes with the exception of Sundays and some national holidays. Sunday editions of daily newspapers are usually larger, have specific sections and advertising inserted, and cost more.


Weekly newspaper are more common and are usually smaller than daily papers. In some cases, there also are newspapers that are published twice or three times a week. 


Most nations have regularly have at least one newspaper that circulates around the whole country , unlike the Local newspapers they circulate a particular city or region
here are a numerous national newspapers ; The IndependentThe Times, The GuardianThe ObserverThe Sun, The Daily Express and The Daily Mirror.

Here are a couple newspapers , which aim at different types of class;

'Redtops' or 'Tabloids' such as The Sun, Star and Mirror are mainly aiming at working classes. 
're aiming at more  The Daily Mail and Express which are aswell Tabloids however they; are a slight step up and aimed at a more serious reader.

Broadsheets (Berliner)  are generally politically biased. This would include The Guardian.

Broadsheet is for the upper class/middle class ,and seen as the  most intellectual of three it includes; The Daily Telegraph and The Times.

Kilburn Times (Local newspaper)

The Daily Express

The Mirror

The Times

Research & Planning (Group Meetings)

Here are several group meetings we had at the beginning of the year. We had to research into local newspapers understand and note down the codes and conventions to be able to implement them in our own newspaper, we began to discuss the title options we had for our newspaper, also each one had a task to do every weekend to progress the production of the newspaper.

This is the first group meeting.

The second group meeting.

third group meeting.

fourth group meeting.

Inside page of my Newspaper